The Encouragers Giving Team
Teamness is a pastor-centered ministry. In our case, this means we believe healthy pastor-couples are foundational to creating a healthy church team. And healthy pastor-couples regularly make time to get away from the stress of ministry. Because many pastors have limited personal finances and church boards don’t always prioritize pastor care, Teamness provides a no-cost, safe space where pastor-couples can step outside of the stress, isolation and deep political divide present in many congregations. In a few days away, under the direction of caring and discerning hosts, they can experience the renewal needed to return to their ministry - encouraged.
When Evan and Debbie McBroom founded Teamness in 2022, it was to strengthen and encourage pastors, their spouses and teams to serve in their local church with more joy, passion and longevity. We have chosen the name The Encouragers for a group of supporters who help us stay aligned to this vision through their recurring giving.
With their ongoing gifts, The Encouragers help provide the essentials necessary for pastor-couples to experience rest and renewal. They keep the lights on, firewood in the rack and life-giving activities flowing for our Pastor Getaway guests.
Provide low-barrier, effective, renewing getaways for pastor-couples.
Join today.
When making your first gift, designate an amount, and complete the form details.
Prefer to handle by bank draft? Check “Bank Account (ACH) on the form.
To join, click the blue button below, or this link.